Tips for Planning Group Headshots in Your Office

Planning an on-location group headshot session in your office can be a game-changer for employees, offering them a professional headshot update without needing to leave the office. As the coordinator, your role is crucial in ensuring the process is seamless and successful. Here are some tips to help you plan the perfect on-location headshot booth.

1. Select an Ideal Location

Choosing the right spot for the headshot booth is essential. Look for a location that:

  • Has ample height and space: Areas with high ceilings and ample space allow the photographer to position lights and reflectors freely, achieving the best results for your organization. A minimum of 12'x12' with a height of 9' or over is preferred. Smaller areas or rooms with low hanging ceiling fixtures may require compromising on the lighting setup.
  • Offers privacy: Employees will feel more comfortable if the area is somewhat private. Consider using an empty conference room, if possible. Conference rooms with the tables and chairs removed are the best options. Try to avoid personal offices, hallways, or break rooms since these offer little space and virtually zero privacy.

2. Plan the Schedule

Timing is everything. Plan the headshot sessions around the office schedule to maximize participation:

  • Offer flexible time slots: Allow employees to sign up for specific time slots to avoid long lines and wait times. We can handle custom scheduling for your VIPs or for all your employees.

3. Choose the Right Background

The background of the headshots can significantly impact their quality and professionalism. Colors like white or grey are versatile and professional. We can provide white or nearly any shade of grey.

4. Coordinate with the Photographer

Work closely with the photographer to ensure everything runs smoothly:

  • Discuss expectations
  • Clearly communicate the office schedule, the number of expected participants, and any specific requirements for the images.

5. Promote the Headshot Session

Make sure employees know about the headshot booth and encourage them to participate:

  • Pre-headshot session communication: Include information about the headshot booth via emails, on the office intranet, and in newsletters. We can even provide you with a QR code for employees to pre-register, expediting the flow of the headshot booth and allowing us to shoot more participants.

6. Prepare Employees

Before the event, we will provide you with our headshot preparation guides to help your employees come prepared for their headshot session. This guide will include information on how to dress, style their hair, pose, and more.

7. Manage Logistics

Ensure all logistical aspects are covered:

  • Power supply: Verify that the booth has access to at least one power outlet for lighting and photography equipment.
  • Space for equipment: Ensure there is enough space for the photographer’s equipment and any props or furniture needed for the session.
  • Staff support: Our team is fully capable and experienced in maintaining the flow of headshot booth participants, including helping them sign up on the spot and picking out their favorite headshot for retouching.

8. Follow Up

Immediately after each participant's headshot session:

  • Digital delivery: A personal, interactive gallery will be delivered to them within 60 seconds. This gallery will allow them to see their headshots, select their favorite for complimentary retouching, and even purchase more, if they choose.
  • Retouching timeline: Each participant will have one week to select an image for complimentary retouching. After this one-week period, retouching will begin, and the retouched photos will be delivered as soon as they are ready.
  • Customer care: Retouching requests, questions, and more will be handled by our customer care staff. You can rest easy knowing that we will take care of everything after the event has ended.

By following these tips, you can create a well-organized, professional, and valuable headshot experience for your employees. Planning ahead and paying attention to details will ensure the headshot booth is a highlight of your corporate office.

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